as I'm writing this, my Alex is playing the piano.
Playing not practing!
"Phantom of the Opera" is now in my head for the day.
i love to hear her play, she truly enjoys it. Playing, not practicing!
hopefully, the practicing will happen.
Such a busy month and its not even half over. Can I take a break??? Who did the scheduling??? Yes, I know it was me. What was I thinking??? There's a country song that goes, "I know what I was feeling, but what was I thinking?" That about explains it for me. What was I thinking to take on a dance for the Stake dance festival? Or plan the play to start auditions the 1st week of school? How about a baby shower? Sure, I got time. . after all, it is my grandchild we're talking about! Let's get Hannah ready for her dorm, and nothing would please me more than to fly up there w/ her and get her settled! LOVE IT!! Teach primary, plan a special musical number, AND now we'll add to that - sew a baby quilt!!
Who does this to themselves?? Isn't it enough w/ the regular after school activities? piano, violin, dance, skateboarding, horseback riding, mutual, yada yada yada!
the thing is I want to do all the things I've taken on. Truly want to do them. I just didn't think it through, I guess. So, wish me well. . . . pray for me and please. . . if you hear me mention that it would be really neat to have a halloween party w/ homemade scones,
really Alex, a birthday party?? sweetie- you'll just have to wait!
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