Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas is Coming!

Well Christmas is almost here!! 
And boy oh boy is our house crazy! 
Construction from 6 am until 10 pm (not really but it feels like it). 
We have to clean our house 5 times a day from all our dust.
Just got our Christmas tree up...with only 6 days left!
we don't even have our stockings up yet :(
But least we have an excuse 

I am already aware of many of the presents I am receiving...
(Alex is not very good at keeping presents a secret...)
but we love her anyways! 
well most of us do...
Just Kidding!

*<|: { ) 
(get's santa...hehe!) 

Love, The White Family 
(Sami White takes all the credit for this post) 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Science Camp!

      Hey it's Alex again. My mom still doesn't have the time to write blogs so i'm writing them. Hannah's home for thanksgiving! Today is baby william's baby blessing! Last night william was over and we were singing him songs and he smiled the sweetest smile ever! My Mom and I went to Science Camp last Wensday. It was so much fun! We stayed there for three days and two nights. We learned about all sorts of animals in the desert, desert survival, bugs, plants, and other things. One girl(she does not have proof there's not even a mark)got stung by a scorpion, One guy stuck his hand in a snake hole(can you guess what happened?), I bumped my head, there were other injuries too( I think I spelled injuries wrong). Well anyways it was sooooooooooooooo much fun!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

All Done

    Hey this is alex writing. Were just about done with everything. My moms play is over, Kayla had her baby, Hannah went off to college, and I had my B-day party. We just started re-moldling our house. Yay! Little baby william is adorable! Horse-backriding is going good. I'm still writing poems......I just haven't found the right one to share yet. Everything is going great. Well....................I better be getting off now cause if my mom catches me writing this I'M DEAD! :)    Sorry no pics :(

Sunday, August 15, 2010


as I'm writing this, my Alex is playing the piano. 
Playing not practing! 
"Phantom of the Opera" is now in my head for the day. 
i love to hear her play, she truly enjoys it. Playing, not practicing!
hopefully, the practicing will happen.
Such a busy month and its not even half over.  Can I take a break???  Who did the scheduling???  Yes, I know it was me.  What was I thinking???  There's  a country song that goes,  "I know what I was feeling, but what was I thinking?"  That about explains it for me.  What was I thinking to take on a dance for the Stake dance festival?  Or plan the play to start auditions the 1st week of school?  How about a baby shower?  Sure, I got time. . after all, it is my grandchild we're talking about!  Let's get Hannah ready for her dorm, and nothing would please me more than to fly up there w/ her and get her settled!  LOVE IT!!  Teach primary, plan a special musical number, AND now we'll add to that - sew a baby quilt!!
Who does this to themselves??  Isn't it enough w/ the regular after school activities?  piano, violin, dance, skateboarding, horseback riding, mutual, yada yada yada!
the thing is I want to do all the things I've taken on.  Truly want to do them.  I just didn't think it through, I guess.  So, wish me well. . . .  pray for me and please. . . if you hear me mention that it would be really neat to have a halloween party w/ homemade scones, 
really Alex, a birthday party??  sweetie- you'll just have to wait!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

TJ rips!

TJ is loving his skateboard class! What's not to love? You get to watch the big kids showing off their tricks, learn a few of your own and feel like you can do anything when you skate onto a RAIL and off again w/out falling off!!! TJ- are you sure your a beginner???

Check out my form!!!! Look Ma, no hands!!

Skater dude! Lookin good!

Love sliding down the big ramp! Whoo hoo!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The White cousins!!!

i love seeing my kids w/ their cousins! Jim's side, my side - - doesn't matter when there's lots of love!! We had a mini reunion the 1st week of July. (we were all together on the 4th, but no pics yet!)

our purpose besides catching up, eating out, and having tons of fun, was our darling Caity.
she was diagnosed w/ a heart condition in May. Her heart is seriously working overtime and she is getting very stressed out!!! (just to put it lightly) Life, these days is not easy for this darling girl, nor for her family. Along w/ the worries that go along w/ hospital stays, heart procedures, and the possible threat of a heart transplant, hospital bills started piling up! Sari's parents along w/ Brent's parents put together the 2 Papas golf tournament. The whole family came together to support it. AND there was a huge turn-out. W/ all the horrible things you hear on the news and see on the internet, it was a great thing to see the LOVE and SUPPORT this amazing family received! We were so happy to be a part of it.

The best part for the kids??? or should i say parts?
  • running around the club house w/ minimal parental supervision!
  • in the same booth together at dinner and breakfast!
  • overnight stay at a Fountain Hills hotel w/ lots of swimming!
  • to of silliness w/ the added benefit of annoying the parents!
  • slurping Killebrew rootbeer floats! OH, sooo good!
Definite FUN

and very brave girl!
Caity- we love you!

What a handsome bunch of kids!!!

Sidney, Caity, Sami, Andrew (pudge),David, Alex, TJ, and Ben             

we're pretty hot stuff all right!!!

~gorgeous girls, ready for their close-up~

                                                       -looks a little heavy, David!!

love those blue eyes, Pudge

Friday, July 16, 2010

TJ bounces to age 6!!

When your 6 and you have a party at Bounce U, and you get mostly all lego's for presents, and a "skateboard" cake, and your cousins AND friends come to the party, YOU ARE . . . . King of the World!!

<<<<< '68 camaro - - another favorite gift (from Paude, of course!)

The BEST Lego set EVER!!!!
(oh, yeah - thanks, Mom/Dad!)

I kind of miss the long hair!

This kid is KING!!

Love that face! (the ace of cakes really blew it w/ this one!)

Just about got it!

Monday, June 28, 2010

the Poetry of Alex Marie

my beautiful Alex.
she loves horses, acting, art, and her music.
she's very clever, extremely smart, and so much fun to be with.
i recently discovered she writes beautiful poetry. . . . .
why is there so much fighting since our birth?
we should stop fighting and have peace on earth
there's so much confusion at this day
we should put it to a conclusion
and live the right way
well said my sweet girl!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Family Road Trip- need i say more??

our 1st BLOG!
Hopefully many more to follow.

We took a trip down south to the Gila Valley LDS Temple.
piled into our very big suburban that only sits 8. (we had 9)
Jim, Steff, Kayla, Blaine, Hannah, Sami, Alex, TJ, and Hayeong!
we left around 12:30pm
The whole crew went and as usual- it was a circus just to leave the house!
what movies to take, can we bring a snack, what if I get bored?
once we were on our way- just down the street- it became a 3 ring circus!
do I have to sit here? she's touching me- i don't like to be touched! but, I don't want to watch that movie!!

After some yelling, cajoling, pleading. . . "you guys, we just prayed for harmony in our car!!" . . . everyone settled and we pretty much enjoyed the drive. a little nausea, some sleeping, don't touch me ever again!
we arrive in beautiful Globe,AZ, to eat lunch at a local diner.
Jim says, "What time is the last appointment of the day at the temple?"
Steff says, "Can you look it up on your phone?"

. . . . after some searching and phone calling, it becomes apparent that we goofed! The temple open house is over and has been. . . since Saturday!

All that way to eat lunch at Jerry's in Globe???

Should we press on?

Yes, yes, we must keep going, after all we came this far. Let's see what we can see. . .
we arrive at the temple, so beautiful on a breezy cool May day.

But, wait! Workers are there!
Could someone let us come in and
look around? We have a non-member
w/ us all the way from S. Korea!!

We wait, and lo and behold . . . Bill comes to our rescue. He is in charge of maintenance and will be happy to show us around.

Personalized tour! how GREAT is this??
Our faith has been rewarded! What a beautiful trip,

Now onto the picture out front. .
Tj- get off the railroad tracks and come be in the picture!
Let's stop fighting! Don't worry about your hair and the lovely breeze making a mess of it! Just look at Daddy and smile!!

camera's dead, must use Jim's cell phone!

Still, it was a great trip!