Monday, July 11, 2011

Little William

This Post is dedicated to the custest boy on earth William James Taylor. His favorite aunt alex takes credit for this post.....Well William is adorable, Makes people smile, and he can make people laugh. Here are some pics.

  I love you little boy.............

Sunday, May 8, 2011

School? Almost over? YES!


I have never been so happy in my life!
14 days left! (not that I'm counting.......)
Okay fine. So I am counting.

3 more weeks of stupid projects that my teachers make due on the SAME DAY.
I swear they all plan a meeting and decide a date to make everyone's projects due,
just so we can be miserable with 6 hours of homework each night!
Why do they hate us??!

and lets not forget the final exams. Woo. I can't wait...

Let's just say, party at my house, day that school gets out.
Be there.

-the anxious for school to get out, White Family. 
(and yes. Sami White wrote this.)